What is an Accounting year: A year from 1st April to 31st March.

What is an Accounting year - Prasheek Times

What is an Accounting year: A year from 1st April to 31st March. Meaning of Accounting Year: An accounting year is a year which starts from April 1st and ends on 31st March. It is full of 365 days (12 Months), it is also known as accounting period. Accounting year is made specially for organizations … Read more

World Hearing Day (3rd march): Understanding the Significance and measures

world hearing day - Prasheek Times

Introduction: World Hearing Day, observed annually on March 3rd, serves as a global platform to raise awareness about hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care. As we commemorate this important day, it is crucial to delve deeper into the significance of hearing health, the causes and consequences of hearing loss, and strategies for prevention … Read more

National Science Day 2024: Unleashing the magical glory of science

National Science Day 2024: Unleashing the magical glory of science - Prasheek Times

After an overall watch of science now let’s try to know that why do we celebrate National Science Day on 28th of February every year.

प्रो कबड्डी लीग 101: पीकेएल की एक महान पहल

प्रो कबड्डी लीग 101: पीकेएल की एक महान पहल - prasheek Times

प्रो कबड्डी लीग 101: पीकेएल की एक महान पहल कबड्डी एक भारतीय मूल का खेल है, यह गाँवों में बहुत लोकप्रिय खेल था और पहलवान इसे ज्यादातर खेलते थे। तमिलनाडु के